Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Learning Chinese for begginer_Lesson 6 Numbers

I assume that everyone can tell what learning strategies that I am using is that in each lesson I will bring a different tool from different sites or companies or materials for you guys.  I will find all those currently produce learning chinese language companies, and you guys decide which one is best for you.  So far I havent got any money from any websites that I introduced.  I dont know in the future I will want to earn money from this blog I am wrting or not, but so far is not. 

Today, I want to introudce a website that I found it from iTune U.  If you have ipad or iphone, please download their course, its free. Its called Beginners' Chinese-Audio from The Open University.  In each audio, it's not long, between 1min-3min.  In each lesson, they all have transcript. I think that is really important for a self chinese learner. I am also welcome EVERYONE asking me questions regarding any of the webites that I already introduced, you have questions when you read their transcript or you dont understand how their explaination, please don't be hesitate to ask me. 

The Open University has lots of free courses, its worth to have a look, and in their language courses, there are other languages to learn instead of just chinese learning.  The Open University is from UK, and its mainly for distance learning and adult education.  Please do use this free resource online.

Unforunately, they don't put their audio on thier website so I can't show you the sample of learning Numbers in Chinese, so I will use youtube instead, Leaning Numbers from one to ten.

1. I want each of you to memorize it and speak very fluently (means talking in a fast speed without making any mistakes).

2. I also want you guys to memorize the pinyin from one to ten.



  1. I think it worth trying , learning a foreign language is always an asset

    1. Definitely but it needs a lot of patience, is English ur mother language from ur country?
